The DIRECTV Plus HD DVR: A Look at the First Year

Despite its troubled start, the DIRECTV Plus HD DVR has evolved into a capable high-definition video recorder. In addition, the Plus HD DVR has been the driving force in the creation of a strong community of enthusiasts taking an unprecedented role in the software release cycle with DIRECTV leading the way. Now it’s time to … Read more

High-Def DVD: Who to Believe?

The marketing and PR campaigns for the dueling high-definition DVD formats continue to heat up. Each side lays claim to the Number One position. The Blu-Ray camp has claimed that they have sold twice as many Blu-ray discs than HD DVD. Toshiba has countered that they have maintained a lead in sales of “high […] … Read more

DVRs Upset Traditional TV Business

Most of us grew up hearing the often-repeated mantra, “But first, a word from our sponsors.” Commercial interruptions of broadcast television entertainment has been a fixture of the industry almost from the start. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to watch a soccer game that runs without commercials thanks to the sponsors whose logos appear next … Read more